About us

INSULATION SHOP. DK is owned by Isodan ApS.

Since 1974, Isodan ApS has been a supplier to the insulation industry. You can visit Isodan ApS via this link.

With INSULATION SHOP. DK wants to continue to be a reliable and quality-oriented supplier to the construction industry with a focus on equipment and machines for blowing insulation.

At INSULATIONSHOP. DK prioritizes having quality products that last for many years. This benefits both our customers and not least our climate. Machines and equipment are of good quality and can often be repaired and used again and again, which helps to minimize our energy consumption and save our common resources.

Next, we give high priority to service and fast delivery. We strive to provide good service to our customers in the form of guidance and help in choosing the right equipment and machines. We are constantly working to expand and qualify the range of products so that we can support your business in the best possible way.

In addition to equipment for insulation, you can purchase machines and equipment for removing insulation. We have a larger selection of insulation vacuum cleaners as well as hoses and equipment to remove old and broken insulation. With this range, we can support companies that work with damage service, demolition or just regularly have tasks with removing insulation.

Isodan ApS is located in Holeby on Lolland, and is a small Danish trading company. We have a large showroom where it is possible to see machines and equipment. 

You are always welcome to call for information, guidance or a good offer on both our machines and accessories. Tel.+45  5460 9006 

We believe that - the best energy is the one that is not used. Long-lasting machine and equipment with high resale value minimize the amount of resources we use - and this benefits both the individual owner of the machine, and at the same time contributes to a more sustainable climate.