Our reducers are specially designed for assembling hoses in different sizes. Adapters are in solid steel. In general, we recommend that you gradually reduce the hose dimension, so that you minimize the risk of material plugs in the joints.

Our transition pieces are used for insulation tasks and insulation hoses.
At the same time, it is important to use strong clamps for your transition pieces so that there are no leaks in joints. Any leaks reduce blowing speed and increase the risk of plugs, supply hoses and suction hoses.
In general, we recommend that you go down to hose dimension step by step to minimize the risk of material plugs in the joints. Preferably with a minimum of 5 - 10 meters of hose before going down in dimension.
We also recommend the use of hose reels to keep track of hoses and extend their life.
Visit our showroom and get inspiration for buying machines, hoses and our accessories. Here you can see, try and buy our products.