

EUR 21.174.00 EUR 23.526.00

(excl. VAT)

List price EUR 23.526.00 (excl. VAT)

Based on 3 Reviews
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Model/Product no.: 891
Stock status: Delivery time 3-5 working days

  • CM-3000XL comes with plenty of extra equipment at the market's best price for an insulation machine of this size.
  • If you're a professional installer with many large and small jobs, the CM-3000XL will optimize your work and ensure that you can complete it in record time. This is particularly significant for attic insulation covering many square meters.
  • Insulation machines from Cool Machines are robust and require minimal maintenance.
  • The CM-3000XL is easy to operate, and with the long-range wireless remote control, you can adjust the speed while blowing.
  • It's unique for an insulation machine of this size that it can be connected to 230 Volts. There just needs to be access to 3 phases with 10 amperes.
  • You can connect a Ø100 mm insulation hose, which significantly increases the production speed.


  • 7-button wireless remote control for blowing speed and material gate
  • 100 mm outlet pipe for hose
  • Lid with dust curtain
  • Built-in suction function for dust collection container


CM-3000XL can be connected to 230 Volts.

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