Airlock Seal
Rubber patches for installation in the airlock are made of durable rubber and designed so that they fit snugly into the airlock.

Intact rubber patches are the prerequisite for a high air pressure through the insulation hose. And a high air pressure equals high production rate.
In all insulation machines, rubber patches are located in the airlock or cell feeder. The rubber patches wear out over time. The speed at which they wear depends on the insulation material you typically blow with.
Paper insulation wears the rubber patches the least, as it is very soft and padded material.
Wood fiber insulation also does not wear out the rubber patches as much.
Glass wool traditionally wears somewhat more on the rubber patches.
Rockwool/stone wool wears a little more on the rubber flaps in the airlock
There are various methods to check the air pressure in the airlock. On Cool Machines and several other supply air machines, a compressed air meter is installed, which is activated by slowing down the air on the output pipe.
Often, a decrease in air pressure can also be felt by a decrease in the production rate; It simply takes longer to isolate.
A third signal on worn rubber patches is that the air comes up through the material instead of out through the hose. It can be seen by the fact that the material "pops" in the material chamber.
On insulation machines from Cool Machines, there are 6 rubber patches mounted in the axis of the airlock. You change all 6 at once. It is relatively simple and takes 1 to 2 hours to change.